Reading Challenge Book Review: Christine- Stephan King

With as much Stephan King as I have read I was kind of surprised that I had never read this book but about halfway through the first chapter my mind began to wonder and I thought maybe this is why. I have that problem with his writing sometimes. I think he is brilliant, he is one of my favorite writers, but there is some of his writing that I just can't connect with and Christine is one of those books. I finished it, but it took me longer than most books do and I had to force it. I will admit really, really gave me the creeps. Not in the sleep with my light on for a week kind of way that Pet Cemetery did but I was kind of glad I don't drive. As much as I didn't connect with the book the malevolence of Christine came pouring through the pages as I got closer to the end of the book and I was glad to be done with it. Definitely not something I will reread, probably not even something I will keep on my bookshelf. I don't ev...