Birthdays, A to Z Challenge and Other Things

Here we are at the end of March and I am not sure how we got here so fast. It feels like this year so far has flown by and I don't know what I have done with my time at all in the last three months. Scary, scary. Tomorrow is a very important day, it is both the start of the A to Z Challenge and my 35th birthday. I am probably more excited about the challenge this year than my birthday as I decided to read a book and review it for ever letter of the alphabet. I am not quite done yet but well over half my posts are finished and scheduled which is the best position I have ever been in at this point in the challenge so I look forward to getting to relax and read lots of other blogs this year. My birthday I have mixed emotions about, I am not ready to turn 35, there are things I wanted to have done by now that I have not and I am really not okay with that. There's been a whole lot of what am I doing with my life going on in the last few days. The last year h...