Random Stuff I Found On Twitter

Now I know that there may be some of you that are thinking how interesting can that possibly be.  I myself would have been too before I actively started using my Twitter account this year.  Now, I say active but it's not compared to most people who use social media.

I mean I follow a few celebrities I find interesting, companies I dream of working for, the places I buy craft supplies from (sales alerts, coupon codes. DUDE SO AWESOME!!) I MAY possibly use it to stalk the cupcake lady. (not crazy if you live in the GTA check out The Cupcake Diner then you will do it too, I promise)

Sometimes I also make the occasional tweet, they may be witty or profound. (ha, ha, more like not) But mostly it's used to find super awesome things to say damn that's awesome to or I have to make/buy/visit/drool over that. For example a few months ago this super awesome Hello Kitty Star Wars charm bracelet from Fashionably Geek. 

I would never wear it but I want it so bad, so if you are looking for a birthday present for me this is perfect

So here is a little link love from showcasing the super awesome things I found of Twitter during my commute home from work on Monday.  I promise, it may amuse you.

From Fashionably Geek: Lady Armor

From Nerd Approved: TARDIS shed and Dalak (did I mention that my future husband/love of my life needs to take up woodworking so he can make awesome stuff like this for our house?)

From JustFabOnline: Life Advice

From Nerd Approved: Star Wars Alarm Clocks (I want a Stormtrooper if anyone is thinking of Christmas presents *cough, cough*)

From Chatelaine: Park Bench Workout (awesome for throwing some extra umph into my training walks)

From That's Nerdalicious: Dracula's Dentures Cookie Sandwiches (can you say Yummy?)

From Fashionably Geek: Pokemon Shoes (so much cooler than I thought when I first saw the Tweet)

And last but not least from Fashionably Geek: Bane Kitty (I swear if that is not the cutest thing ever)

Well, that was fun, I may make this a monthly thing or something.  Adorable, werid and wacky things I stumble across on Twitter.  But don't quote me on that or anything cause I have a really short attention span. 


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