Terry Fox Walk 2012

This year due to health issues I opted out of walking in The Weekend to End Women's Cancers, I honestly felt that it wasn't in my best interest to take on something so daunting when I was in the process of seeking answers to the health problems that were plaguing me.  I still wanted to do something though, just on a smaller scale.

I don't know very many people who can say that cancer hasn't touched their lives in some way, a friend, a loved one, a co-worker, a family member.  But it has damn well waltzed through mine and I have watched people fight and survive (and I thank every god that ever existed for that) and I have watched so many people fight and lose.

So, when my friend Shane of Fame Freelance Services asked me to join his team for the Terry Fox Walk I jumped at the chance.  A) because he is awesome and it is always more fun to do things with a team and B) it meant I would be doing something and I felt good about that. 

If you would like to support join our team or donate you can do so at: Terry Fox Walk


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