I've Done It Again

That's right, I have committed myself to the craziness of blogging everyday of April (except Sundays) for a second year in a row.  Only this year I have a plan already in place, I already have a theme and most of my topics picked out.  (yay for the thinking ahead) 

So, I figure with all the time between now and April I can get it written up and schedule and I can spend all my time checking out everyone else blogs!  Which of course is the truly fun part. 

What's my topic you ask?  Well I thought it would be fun to do an A to Z of my favorite fictional characters.  They come from all forms of media; books, movies, television, comics.  I even have crafts for some of them.  I am super excited about this.

If you would like to participate in the A to Z Challenge (which you really should) you can find the sign up here or through the A to Z Challenge 2013 Badge on my sidebar. 


  1. Thanks for the shoutout!

    Stopping by to welcome you on board the A to Z Challenge April 2013.

    Look forward to your challenge posts!

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. Thanks. I am looking forward to doing it this year. In a much more focused way than last year.

  2. I did it last year too (and the year before), looking forward to this years challenge too. I stopped over from the challenge sign up list. I'm a new follower :)


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