The Cephalopod Coffeehouse: Meeting One

Last month during the A - Z Challenge I wondered my way into joining a blogger's book club over at The Armchair Squid . I have never belonged to a book club before, mostly because between the kids and work and classes and stuff I don't have armloads of time to show up for meetings and talk to people. Which is why this is awesome because as anyone who has ever been in my house can attest to, I love books! For the first month we got to just pick a book and that was super exciting as I have a whole shelf of unread books in my hallway of books. This was my chance, but the question was which one did I want to read most? In the end I choose "Good Omens' which is a collaboration between Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. (now if that doesn't make you want to read a book what would?) Now, I am a big (HUGE) fan of both of the above mention authors so the fact that I have owned this book for I don't know how long and haven't read it is actually a shock to m...