Photo Challenge Week Six: February 5th to February 11

So here we are at the end of week six already...that means to date I have intentionally taken for this challenge 42 pictures.  That's pretty insane, and also the longest I have ever stuck with a photo challenge. YAY ME!!!

February 5, 2014:

The view from my doorway.

February 6, 2014:

Present ideas for Miss Cat.

February 7, 2014:

Dinosaur Valentine in the making.

February 8, 2014:

My loot from the Iggles Valentines's day swap.

February 9, 2014:

Computer problems.

February 10, 2013:

Scented cupcake valentine.

February 11, 2014:

Motivational mints.

That was my week's worth of photos.  I know I am a touch behind on posting my pictures but I have found it easy to keep up on taking them.  Even if that means getting up last minute to take a picture of something random because I am sick and just realized I forgot like last night.

The prompts for week seven are:


  1. Good luck keeping up with the photo challenge! I can't imagine ever taking this many pictures, so I'm impressed. I'm also mind-boggled by all the snow in the first (I've never experienced snow...haha.)

  2. Thanks. :) I'm actually pretty impressed I have kept up with it so far, though I really could take tons of pictures of snow...if I wasn't so sick of looking at it. ;)


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