Photo Challenge Week Seven: February 12 to February 18

I am super behind on post my pictures but up to date on taking them, yay?  So, be prepared to get slammed with pictures over the next few days as I play catch up while getting ready for the A to Z Challenge and going away.

February 12, 2014:

The new tea shop up the road from our house.  In case you can't read the sign it's "Noble Tea"

February 13, 2014:

Monkey jacket.

February 14, 2014:

How I spent my Valentine's evening.  Tea and crafts.

February 15, 2014:

Mmm, beer!

February 16, 2014:

Judgmental kitty face.

February 17, 2014:

I got this awesome pin when we went out for Valentine's Day.

February 18, 2014:

We won't talk about how much coffee I drink in a day but FINALLY I won something.

SO MANY pictures to post, so little time.  Have to get caught up again though so that I can be all behind while I am away.  Plus I have super awesome pictures from ComiCon to post.

Anyhow, here were the in case you need them prompts for week eight:


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