The Cephalopod CoffeeHouse: June

So it is my new decision to not to sign up for this until I actually have the post written because every time I do something comes up that stops me from posting on time.  Blah!

For the first time in a long time I actually did a lot of reading this month, and for the most part kept up with blogging about it.  (go me)  I did however sneak in a graphic novel that I rather loved and haven't told you guys about yet.

Being that I am a massive Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, I have had these sitting on my bookshelf forever.  I haven't read them for a multitude of reasons, but mostly because I wasn't ready yet.  I was still mourning the show that was.  That being said, I am glad I FINALLY started reading them.

I am not super in love with the style of art work, but who am I to judge, I can barely draw stick people.  The story line did it's job and drew me back in though, right back to those good ole days with the gang from Sunnydale.

I can't wait to read the rest of them.

Find the rest of June's review's at The Armchair Squid the keeper of the list.  


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