Celebrate The Small Things: November 13, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things is hosted by Lexa Cain along with wonderful co- hosts Writing Off The Edge and The Cyborg Mom.

This week I am celebrating living so close to work as I have worked all the hours and if I traveled on top of that the exhaustion would be beyond ridiculous.

I am also celebrating that we finally seem to be getting into the swing of things in our new home, I was beginning to think that things would be crazy and hectic forever.

What are you celebrating this week?


  1. How wonderful to hear that you and your family are settling in! And it's awesome you live close to work - you're right, commuting is exhausting. Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  2. So lucky you live close to work!
    It takes me an hour! :X Definitely enjoy that! :D

  3. Amazing the difference two weeks makes and yes comuting and working all the hours is exhausting.


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