An Accidental Blogging Break

Wow, it feels like it has been a while.  Things got super hectic for me and I just have not felt the urge to put fingers to keyboard and write for a while.  A bit of the oh my gosh winter is starting blues I suppose.  I am back though and starting a new journey that I would like to embark on with my blogging world in tow.

My good friend convinced me that we NEEDED to join Weight Watchers together last week.  It was on sale and she had a go results with them before and though I had an easy time by myself after Cat I am struggling now after that medication weight gain I had last year and really could use the help.

So I will be back to blogging at least sporadically in December with all the fantastic things I am making to stop myself from snacking ( I have started a sweater) and the fun recipes I have cobbled together to feed my kids that are still healthy and low points for me. (my homemade chicken soup is only 4 points a serving)

Plus I have been reading up a storm and the Toronto Chapter of Geek Girl Brunch has been reborn so that is exciting.  We had an Ugly Christmas Sweater Brunch this past Sunday and while it was small it was mighty entertaining.  ;)

In other words I am back and I will be taking a turn back to what the blog was in the beginning, a random hodge podge of crafts and foods and thoughts and everything in between.  Hopefully with better pictures than the one above.  But how awesome is that sweater?


  1. Welcome back and good luck with the Weight Watchers.

    I know what you mean about feeling a little overwhelmed and not in the mood for blogging. Take your time to come back and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your posts.

  2. Good luck with losing weight and the sweater. I look forward to a few Celebrate posts from you! ;)


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