A to Z Challenge 2017: Theme Reveal

Not that long ago I was in a huge panic, I had a theme for the challenge this year but I had done none of the work and only had one post written and scheduled.  I blame my son who gave me the flu and then took off on a March Break adventure.  Leaving me to fend for myself sick.  (was not pretty)

Flash forward a few days though and I was feeling better but still pretty tired so I spent a whole night in bed reading which gave me a huge bump forward so I decided to keep my theme sort of.  It was going to be me reading through a series for every letter of the alphabet and reviewing each book.

Instead I just went with what came up again, some are a single book, some are multiple books, some are novellas.  All are off the jungle that is my kindle.  Man that thing is too full of books, I could read two a day for the next ten years and not be through it.  Yet I keep adding more....I have a problem. That does not even count the books I read with Kindle Unlimited.

A To Z Challenge Theme: Book Reviews

See you guys out there.  I look forward to making new friends.  Some of my favourite blogging people I meet through the A-Z.


  1. Cool. Book reviews are a great idea. My Kindle is growing all the time thanks to Book Bub.

    2017 A to Z Blog Challenge Theme Reveal

  2. Melissa, Doing book reviews sounds like a good theme. Just have fun with the challenge, as that's what I try to do every year I'm caught up in the chaos. lol Thank you for popping in today! ;)

    I invite you to visit Curious as a Cathy for a little mewsic and learn about my AprilA2Z challenge theme reveal!

  3. I love A to Z book review themes - my TBR list always grows twice its size by the end of April...

    The Multicolored Diary: WTF - Weird Things in Folktales

  4. Book reviews seems to be a popular blog topic so I'm sure your theme will do well.
    Perspectives at Life & Faith in Caneyhead #AtoZChallenge

  5. Good luck with the book reviews and I know what you mean about the kindle having more books on it than you can possible read ;)
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles

  6. Hi Melissa

    I love a good book, so will be very interested in reading your posts during this challenge. I'm so stinkin excited about this, and looking forward to getting to know others better.

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  7. I love reading what ppl think about books. Great theme :) I am new to yr blog, looking fwd to visiting again! good luck with the AtoZ.

  8. Awesome! I'll be stopping by to check it out!

  9. That's a great theme. I don't think it's that easy, but I'll sure be curious to read it.

    Have a fantastic challenge :-)

    The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - 1940s Film Noir

  10. Hi Melissa!
    Love your theme! I did book reviews last year for the A to Z. It was a lot of work but I enjoyed it.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    Writer In Transit

  11. Looking forward to seeing your book reviews. I add to my reading list faster than I can great through it too It's just so hard. When I see something interesting, which is all the time, I want to be sure I don't forget it! I'll have a few book related items on my challenge too. Weekends In Maine

  12. Great idea. You'll provide me with some reading suggestions! Cheers!

    Marquessa @simplymarquessa from
    Simply Marquessa

  13. I've thought about doing this for an A to Z, but as you know, it's a huge endeavor! I look forward to some more book recommendations to fill my Nook with (even though I also have way more books on there than I can ever read!).

    J R Vincente

  14. I love reading - my to be read list gets longer every day rather than shorter! I love a good book recommendation so I'll be sure to be following along!

  15. What a great theme! I could never pull one like this off, because I'm an epically slow reader. Like, really. I'm looking forward to this, and hopefully will find some new books to read (because, apparently, my endless TBR list isn't long enough). Good luck with the challenge!

    Theme Reveal: Magical and Medicinal Herbs

  16. This sounds great! I have a book blog and I enjoy reading your reviews - especially for those difficult letters like X! :D
    Here's my reveal post:

  17. Good luck. I admire people who can do book reviews for the challenge.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  18. Reading enough books to fill the month of April is pretty impressive. I should read more books. Well, I guess I can read your reviews instead.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out Theme Reveal: It's About Time

  19. Hey, Melissa, I love books and am always looking for new books to add to my reading list. I look forward to receiving recommendations from you.

    Cynthia at A Few Drops Of Ink

  20. Will look forward to your reviews. Like Cynthia I am also always on the lookout for new books. Thanks for dropping by my post.

  21. I love it when people do book reviews during the A to Z Challenge. I'm always discovering new books I want to read. In fact, it's a challenge theme I've considered doing myself a couple of times.

    Good luck with it. :-)

  22. I do hope the flu is a thing of the past!
    Good luck with the theme, sounds like a wonderful idea.
    Sorry for being so tardy in replying - I got home from my hols and then the next week seemed to vanish in catch up!
    Tasha's Thinkings - Shapeshifters and Werewolves


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