40 Things Update Two

 Time is going by faster than I thought it would be, that's crazy.  Work is super busy because it's the end of the year and doing personal stuff gets thrown on the back burner.  Stuff that was done in the last week is crossed out in blue.

I also got super sick at the end of the week which made doing anything near impossible.  I was pretty sure that I was not going to be able to function at all by mid day Saturday.  

1) Finish the human relations unit in the course I am taking.

2) List 1 item in my Etsy Shop.

3) Cancel my gym membership.

4) Finish dying the yarn for the pink blanket I am making.

5) Post my first video on Youtube.

6) Clean out my closet.

7) Clean out my daughter's room.

8) Replace my broken grocery cart.

9) Watch Spiderman Homecoming.

10) Watch Justice League.

11) Reinstall Windows on my computer.

12) Finish one section of the next unit in my course.

13) Purge my clothes and organize drawers.

14) Catch up on pen pal letters.

15) Wrap Christmas presents.

16) Make homemade soaps.

17) Make lotion bars.

18) Make bath bombs.

19) Make up quick crochet washcloths for teacher gifts.

20) Make a book Advent Calendar for the kids.

21) Make a binder for my printed crochet patterns.

22) Clean out my stationary drawers.

23) Make Christmas cookies.

24) Write another 25,000 words on my WIP.

25) Format and edit my book of poetry.

26) Type my short story into my computer so that I can work on it.

27) Set up my planner for 2018.

28) Finish my Goodreads Challenge.

29) Switch my Audible account to Canadian.

30) Dye hair.

31) Organize craft supplies.

32) Come up with Etsy return policy.

33) Start bringing home stuff from mom's house.

34) Hook up printer.

35) Look for CFL fabrics.

36) Start Body Boss over again.

37) Play Battleship with Cat.

38) Set up my iPad.

39) Get my vacation plans in order.

40) Get a blogging plan in place for 2018.

I love this whole idea so much that I think I may do a whole giant list for 2018.  365 things that I want to get done in 2018.  We'll see how that goes.  


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