Goals Going Into My Last Year In My 30's

Next week, next Wednesday to be exact, I turn 39.  Which I feel a lot of pressure for as it will be the last year I have before I turn 40 and with everything that is going on in the world right now I realize how much more that there is that I want to get done before I turn 40.

My health has been causing me problems this year and my doctor has recommended that I lose a little weight to help.  This is really high on my list for the coming year as I do not want to go into my 40's having preventable health issues. 

Also on my list, as always is continued learning, as the current situation in the world had sharply shown me this year you never know what is going to happen and I want to make sure that I have something to fall back on should the worst happen.

Being home all day, everyday has help me see how much time I really do have that is free and I waste doing things that bring me little to no pleasure.  I have spent some time today working on my novel that I started many years ago and it feels great to have the words flowing again.  I do not want to over push and say I want to finish it this year but I want to take the time to write and work on it every single day. 

Also, I want to work on being more outgoing this year, on making new friends and on putting myself out there and trying new experiences.  The first few days of being home were very hard for me as my job is very social and I would like to try to be more social in other areas so if something like this happens again at least I have people to skype with.

As well, I want to push myself more on the cosplay front, get to my list of cosplays that I want to do and make sure that I have pictures taken.  To push myself harder to learn new skills and to make more friends in the cosplay community. 

I know it is not a long or definitive list but I look forward to going on this journey this coming year and of course documenting as much as possible here.


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