Podcast of The Week: The Very Serious Crafts Podcast

I just recently got into listening to podcasts and like anything that I get into I am obsessed. It has only been a couple of days but I have hankered down and listened to so much. The first on what is becoming a long list of favourites is The Very Serious Crafts Podcast I heard about this podcast ages ago because I have been a follower of Red Handled Scissors for quite awhile and Haley of course has mentioned it. So as soon as I finally downloaded a podcast app it was one of the first ones that I looked for and it has been my first podcast binge. While I had not been exposed to the other two contributors in this podcast prior to listening, Mollie of Wild Olive and Heidi of Hands Occupied I am quickly becoming a huge fan of both. While I myself am not a very serious crafter reading about other peoples crafting has always been helpful for getting my own creative ideas flowing. Turns out that listening to ...