A-Z Challenge (EEK!)

I did something insane this morning.  I know, what makes this different from any other morning.  However, now that I have done it I am having that crazy what have I done feeling.  I have signed myself up for the A-Z Challenge

I once I saw it I rather felt I had to, I mean it starts on my birthday how could I refuse that challenge?  Still this is the first blog hop I have participated in and I am very nervous.  Plus posting everyday... eek!  Lucky for my I am off today and can at least get an idea for some posts.  Anyone else feel like singing C is for Cookie?


I just want to say that I blame all of this on Creepy Query Girl as I found out about this from her blog and then I was all that sounds awesome.  <claps hands>  This should be fun!


  1. Love the song, so cute and fitting!
    Also love the recipe for the jello shots, haven't had any if forever.

    Can't wait to see what you post for the challenge.

    1. Thank you. I am in love with that song, any excuse to mention it...and then run around all day singing it.

  2. Good luck! I'm an A-Z Blogging 'virgin' and am wondering "EEK!" too - what have I let myself in for?? Still, it's a great initiative to try - and to meet other bloggers.
    And I love Sesame Street - have the theme song on my iPod (how sad am I?!)

    Good luck with the challenge!

    1. Thanks! Good luck to you as well. I am also looking forward to getting out there and meeting other bloggers, especially with so many great blogs to choose from. :) (I have the whole Sesame Street album on my mp3 player) it's all good!

  3. My favorite from that Sesame Street album (which I owned as a child, nearly 40 years ago!) is Bert's song for "L."
    "...la, la, la, linoleum!"

    Happy birthday, and welcome to the challenge. I know what you'll be posting on Tuesday!


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