Photo Challenge Week Four: January 22 to January 28

I am really enjoy the photo a day challenge so far, it's making me look at things a lot more. I try to take a couple pictures a day now so I have something where as before I would just snap pictures of stuff I found interesting which would just live on my phone or camera with no purpose. Till they ended up on my computer with no purpose. Now I have some awesome pictures and many, many ideas for the blog. Maybe I could actually blog about the crafting I do since I am remembering to take pictures of it as I go no. I could do a feature of the kids art work every month, I could blog about some of the interesting family stuff we do. It goes on and on and all stemming from pictures. Anyhow...on to the pictures. January 22, 2014: Those are our tickets to Toronto Comicon, March 7 to 9. They are currently living on my fridge as a constant reminder that I haven't started my cosplay yet... January 23, 2014: The phone case I bought off Ebay ...