Book Review: Wizard's First Rule

The first book I read in 2014 (or finished reading rather) was a reread for me.  After finishing A Dance With Dragons I needed to read something but I didn't know what so I decided to go through the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind again as it is one of my favorites.

Wizard's First Rule is the first book of the story (a very long, well written story with some brilliant twists in my humble opinion) and begins with Richard Cyper meeting Kahlan Amnell shorty after his father is murdered and then his entire life gets turned upside down.

It's got everything you need in a really engaging fantasy story; wizards, dragons, royalty, three dimensional characters.  I think that's the best part of this book that you can really connect with all the characters rather they be good or evil.

I also love all the little details that you notice every time you read through it that match up with things later on in the series.  There are no little gaps or mistakes to ruin the whole thing for someone who rereads things obsessively. 


  1. Great review! I've had Wizard's First Rule in my TBR pile for a while now. I really need to dig it out one of these days and read it, finally!

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