Express Yourself: Fictional Characters You Would Want In Your Life Five

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted Bouquet Of Books and Entertaining Interests.  This week's topic is: name five fictional characters you would want to have in your life.

This is actually last weeks topic but I was sick last week so I am playing a bit of blog hop catch up because I really like both weeks topic and didn't want to skip one.  I figured you guys wouldn't mind because you are probably dying to read about my fictional character obsessions.

The first in my list of fictional characters I would want in my life is Ianto Jones from Torchwood, because there is nothing I love more than a man in a well cut suit and a good cup of coffee.

The second fictional character who needs to be in my life is of course Captain Jack Harkness, (I wouldn't want Ianto to be lonely) because if weevils ever attack the Greater Toronto Area I want to be prepared.  Or meteors or Daleks or whatever.

A third fictional character I would want in my life would be Cara from Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series, because a girl needs to have a friend around to help her enjoy all that eye candy.  Plus you should have some muscle with you when going on adventures, it's just a good idea.

My fourth choice four fictional character in my life is Once Upon a Time's Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold because just like you should have muscle on an adventure you should have magic.  Plus could you imagine him and Jack and the trouble they could stir up?  Oh my!

Naturally my fifth choice is The Doctor, which incarnation you ask?  Right now I am going to go with Capaldi's.  I'm rather fond of him for the moment.  Plus I think he compliments my gang rather nicely.  Oh the adventures we would have.  

What fictional characters would you want to have in your life?

This post is part of a blog hop, this week's question is actually about family recipes (which I am going to post later) but you should go check out what everyone has to say anyway.


  1. Nice mix of characters! How fun!

    Happy holidays!

  2. Ooh, this is a good question. I like your answers.

    I definitely agree with you on The Doctor, I think I'd say either Eleven or Twelve, like you I'm quite fond of him. I think I would also want Gandalf because you can't go wrong with a wizard. Speaking of wizards, Hermione Granger would be quite cool to know.

    My last two would need some work to figure out exactly who I would want, hehe.

  3. I think I'd rather go with Regina. lol She has insecurities we can work through. Rumple may be out to kill you in the end.


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