Ready. Set. WRITE!

If you have been around here for any length of time then you know that I have a WIP (or twelve) that I am lovingly procrastinating writing.  I will make really great progress on it every once and a while but then I hit a snag (usually my own perfectionism) and I don't touch the keyboard for months.

Well I am DYING to finish it and move on with my life and Jamie Morrow has provided me with just the right nudge in that direction with Ready. Set. WRITE! which starts on June 8.

Ready. Set. WRITE! is a summer writing intensive that provides an opportunity for us to cheer each other on wherever we’re at in our writing—planning, drafting, or revising. This year, RSW is being hosted by Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, Erin Funk, Elodie Nowodazkij, and of course,  Jamie Morrow which is how I found it.

On June 8, you post your initial goal setting post and then there will be weekly RSW check-in posts on Mondays. Which will follow the headlines below:

1.  How I did on last week’s goals
2.  My goal(s) for this week
3.  A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised
4.  The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write)
5.  Something I love about my WiP

I am super excited by this idea, I need the push to MAKE the time to write more.


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