Currently: October 21, 2015
{I read Jamie Morrow's Currently every week and I always want to hop on board because it seems like such a fun way to keep you guys updated on the stuff going on in my life so here I am.}
Hot coffee on a cold morning, there's nothing better and Mike makes me a coffee to go every morning before work so that I can enjoy it on the walk to drop off the kids.
I am reading Ready Player One again in preparation for reading Armada. I know they are not exactly related like that but that's how I like to read.
Still watching Sherlock Holmes but I have now added in Jane the Virgin and rewatching Doctor Who.
Listening To...
90's workout playlists at the gym. I find nothing more inspiring right now that the music I used to listing to.
Thinking About...
Wedding planning! It's approaching much faster than I would like and we have so little done. :(
Dinner at my favourite steakhouse on Friday to celebrate the fact that in one year we will be married.
That there were more hours in the day so that I could do all the crafting I have on my list.
Making Me Happy...
That Ace's big toe is not broken.
When I used to commute to work every day, coffee was the best part! Now I sit in my warm house and drink it while I get started with my work for the day. Working from home ROCKS!