Currently: November 25, 2015
{I read Jamie Morrow's Currently every week and I always want to hop on board because it seems like such a fun way to keep you guys updated on the stuff going on in my life so here I am.}
Getting to spend so much time with my family over the weekend.
Catching up on Doctor Who and streaming The OC.
Listening To...
Zombie Run for all the exercise.
Thinking About...
How short life is.
To take more joy and enjoyment out of everyday.
Making Me Happy...
All the family Christmas parties happening with my huge extended family.
I think the end of each year always has us thinking about how short life is. The years just seem to fly by the older you get! We moved to a new house in 2015, so it seems like a longer year than it normally does. I think that's why years seemed to stretch out when we were young. So much could happen in one year back then...far fewer days of just doing the same thing all day.
ReplyDeleteBanned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
Penelitian Seputar Puasa Bisa Melawan Diabetes Melitus
Gejala Kista Endometriosis Yang Sering Terjadi
Cara Meningkatkan Gairah Seksual Pria Dewasa
Bahaya Akibat Pegal Linu Bagi Kesehatan
Rahasia Kulit Putih Bersih Tanpa Jerawat
Seputar Masalah Penyakit Jamur Pada Manusia
Obat Untuk Mengatasi Kelenjar Hipofisa
Obat Pendarahan Rahim
Teh Herbal Penyembuh Penyakit TBC
Obat Pembakar Lemak Paha