My Favourite.....Book Cover

My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s time to share something positive. For more info: My Favorite Meme.

This is another hard one for me.  I love books.  Reading takes up a huge chunk of my free time.  My children were helping attempt to organize my bookshelves last week and they pointed out that I have multiple copies of some books.  This is because they have different covers and sometimes when you are reading a long running series you are so excited to read the book you buy whatever one they have but then have to go back and buy the one that matches the ones you actually own.  Or am I the only one who does that???

I am a huge fan of simple book covers, and my favourite book covers was actually for a book series that I loathed.  Which is hard to say because I read so few books that I dislike.  

Whether you like or dislike the books the covers are genius.  Simple, clean and crisp.  I admire that. 

What is your favourite book cover?


  1. They are good covers, simple and I like the gray and black. I actually picked covers for a series I haven't read. The premise doesn't interest me, but I love the covers.

  2. Your definitely not the only one Melissa. I also buy other versions of the same book just so they can fit my collection! We're true bookworms I guess! LOL!
    I also love those covers of the Fifty Shades series. I own them too and they look so pretty.

    Thanks for signing up again! ;)


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