My Favourite....Childhood Memory

My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s time to share something positive. For more info: My Favorite Meme.

This is a tough one for me, I have many, many great childhood memories.  I grew up in a small town in Nova Scotia surrounded by relatives and close family friends and I got to roam free in a way that kids do not get to today.  Picking a single favourite memory is difficult.

One I think stands out for me above all others though, mostly because it is one of the few clear memories I have of the golden time before my sister was born when I was an only child.  (I think I was 3 or 4) We had a cabin out in the woods and we used to go there on weekends as people do but on the way in next to the road there was a giant anthill (well at least giant to the very small child that I was) and I was quite young and extremely rambunctious.   After the LONG, LONG car ride (only 45 mins) I used to like to go and kick the anthill and just generally run around and be a little brat.

My dad took me and sat me down next to the stream behind the cabin and told me if I sat there and was super quiet and very well behaved I would see giant smurfs.  I was the quietest kid EVER.  A couple of times I even thought I saw them.  I was 8 before I figured out that I was being had and they just wanted me to learned some self control.

I wish stuff like that worked on my kids but they are so skeptical. 

What is your favourite childhood memory?


  1. Whaha That's so funny! I love that your dad told you there where giant smurfs. That's a great memory!
    Maybe kids these days have just seen too much with tv, and internet being around every corner. They don’t believe little white lies like that anymore!
    Thanks for signing up again! ;)

  2. I'd love to visit Nova Scotia. The photos I've seen are beautiful. I can't narrow down my memories to one favorite, but I enjoyed yours.


  3. Hehe, that's a great memory.

    I can remember being about two and the Christmas tree was decorated. I was fascinated by the fairy lights and kept squinting my eyes so that the lights would get bigger or smaller. They had sort of star shaped surrounds to them and when I touched them they were pretty sharp on the edges as well, sort of spiky, and I remember the sort of musty smell of the tree and the tinsel as well. Like the memory is burned onto all of my senses.

  4. That is a fun memory! I had a hard time picking one childhood memory, too. I remember sledding in the evenings with my dad and having hot chocolate afterward.


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