It's December

Where did the time go?  I'm not ready for December yet.  December means Christmas parties and concerts and all sorts of goings on. I just can't handle that right now.

The very thought of all the things I have to get done over the next few weeks makes me want to stick my head in the sand and not come out until late January.  And I do this stuff to myself.  Oh, I think I'll make more gifts this year, it will be more personal.  I think I'll take the kids on a trip for Christmas, they have too much stuff and they will have so much fun. 

I think I will have a New Year's Party, I haven't had a party in ages and I hate going out. Etc, etc, etc...  Please note that I am actually insane.  I craft stuff for most of the people I am making gifts for all the time.  I am sure they would love a nice gift card.   

Taking the kids away is fair, I used to love going away with my parents when I was a kid and I think the kids will have a great time.  Hopefully I will make it through will all my facilities intact.  It is after all only a weekend and we are only going to Montreal, not Siberia.  And I would rather take them to Siberia than buy them more toys that they will only play with for a day.

There are good things in there too though, I mean snow, I love snow.  The Doctor Who Christmas Special, which Cat is very excited for.  I am as well but I don't quite have her same brand of enthusiamsim because, you know, I'm not 3. 

I also get to take my BFF out for her 30th birthday, that's a momentous occasion.  I got a special outfit and everything.  It promises to be very exciting.  I think I may actually do some blogging this  month as well.  

So it will be an interesting month to say the least.  What are your exciting plans?


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