My Favorite Things Of 2012 Post One: Album

Picking my favorite album of 2012 was a very difficult decision, there were a lot of good albums that came out this year.  There were some that I really liked, some that really spoke to me and some that got a lot of replay in my house.  There were two that did all of these things. 

This one got first billing.  *drum roll* 

As this is the second blog post I have devoted to Emilie Autumn I think it states that I think that she is a brilliant artist, talented and all that normal stuff.  But this album speaks to me on a level that her previous albums did not. 

I've had a lot of very dark days this year (and in life in general) and something in this album stirred something inside me and helped pulled me through a lot of that.  Which was much appreciated.

Plus, it's just an awesome, quirky album!

So I am going to end this post with my two favorite songs off of Fight Like a Girl which are on completely different ends of the Emilie Autumn spectrum of music.  'Girls! Girls! Girls!' and 'One Foot in Front of the Other'. 

I find this song to be, although a bit dark in nature, fun and cute.  It was definitely one of my favorites from her concert.

Hands down my favorite Emile Autumn song to date.  Possibly one of my favorite songs period.  I think it speaks for itself.  


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