Confessions Of A Blogger

I found this tag on Geek Gets Glam for a blogger confession and I thought I would swipe it and answer the questions even though I didn't get tagged.  Because I'm a rebel like that as you all know.

When did you start your blog?

My first blog post was Wednesday, January 18, 2012.  It feels like so long ago now.

Have you had any past online presence before (other blog, YouTube)?

No, this is my very first attempt at making myself known in the internet world.

Why did you start a blog?

To encourage myself to write more and to decrease my fear of letting other people read my writing.  The stuff I put on my blog is not quite the same as writing a novel but it's still writing and sometimes I still lock up in fear.  I am getting better though.

When did you become serious about starting a blog?

I am still not entirely sure that has happened yet, I am getting better about blogging on a regular basis though,

What was your first post?

My first post, Rated R for Random was an introduction to myself and what I figured I would be blogging about.  Occasionally some of those things happen, but I still stick to the this is what I feel like blogging about right now ideal.

What has been your biggest challenge about blogging?

Finding the time to blog about the things I want to blog about and then finding ideas for what to blog about the rest of the time.

Where do you see your blog in one year?

I'd like to post more of my Cosplay stuff on the blog.  I work so hard at it, remembering to take pictures while I'm doing it so that I can talk about my successes and failures would be awesome.

What is the most rewarding thing to you about blogging?

Getting my thoughts out into the world.  It's great to have a place to go and vent my frustrations and feelings about things or to talk about how much I love the last book I read.  Plus the community aspect of it is pretty awesome.

What is the most discouraging thing that happens to you?

I still freeze up with worry a lot about what people will think about what I have written.  For every post I publish I easily have three or four that are just sitting there, unpublished because I am agonizing over what people might think about them.  It's a huge road block that I am trying to overcome.

What's your lasting inspiration or motivation?

The ever increasing pile of short stories, characters begging to have their stories told and poetry that is piling up in notebooks in my apartment.  Oh, and the creeping slowly towards being completed novel that one day I want to be brave enough to let someone other than my mother read.

So, that's the story behind my blog.  What's yours?


  1. I love hearing the stories behind people's blogs. Mine was started hoping to chronical my starting a family, as well as assorted pets, it's seen me through an IVF cycle and now it's a sort of general purpose book, TV series, film review blog as well as posts about various things I'm up to. It's very me.

  2. Go ahead and publish those posts. It will be good for you. I said why I blog on my blog today, so if you want to know, then I guess you have to take a look. It's quite boring, though.


    1. Thanks, everyday I try to put a little more of myself out there and it starts to get a little easier. Thanks for the encouragement. And your reason for blogging is not boring, we all need to get our stuff out there. ;)

  3. Bring on the stories! I'd love those and I'll bet others would, too.

    1. Thanks, I am getting there slowly. One day they will make their way out into the world. My possible idea for the A-Z challenge next year is Flash Fiction (maybe).


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