My Grandmother

Seventeen years ago today I lost a huge part of my world, and it created a void that has never really healed.  People say all sorts of things when someone you love passes away, They say that things will get better with time or some other sort of cliché type thing. 

That didn't seem to happen for me, sure time moved on and the pain gets duller but it's still there.  I had a very close relationship with my Nana and especially once I had my own kids there where a lot of times I wanted to turn to her in my life. 

When I was going through her photo albums a while ago to find some old family pictures to use for the blog for Throwback Thursday posts I came across this picture of her:

It's the youngest picture of her I have ever come across of my grandmother, it's something I'm going to look into getting restored. 

One of my favorite memories from my childhood was spending weekends with  my Nana, we would go to church on Sunday night and the out for ice cream.  Then we would go back to her house and watch Knight Rider and Airwolf.  

Not the clearest picture but that is my mom, my nana and I.  We were lucky to have her and not a day passes that I am not passing along some of the wisdom I learned from her to my children. 


  1. Merry Christmas, Melissa Ann. Yes it can be merry because we have had the most wonderful people grace our lives, and feed us those much needed, words of wisdom! Makes me want to jump and shout, praise God from whom all blessings flow!

    My Mom passed 17 years back. Grandmother passed 1 year and five days later. Talk about being mad at those two. They would be off celebrating without me?(smile) No - the pain is always there, but I've learned to allow the Lord to help me feel their presence... just as I so need to feel His. And I do.

    Lovely photos - I hope you can get that one restored too! What a treasure - like opening an early gift(smile).

  2. What a lovely tribute!

    I was very close to my grandmothers - but especially close with my great grandmother, who we called Nanny. She passed away on Dec. 13 of 1984 and I still miss her every single day.

    God bless!

  3. What a lovely post about your Nana. Sounds like you have lots of wonderful memories of her, I hope you share them all with your children. I like to think that as long as we keep the memories of our loved ones alive, a little bit of them always stays with us.


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