A to Z Challenge Theme 2015

It's that time of year once again for the A to Z Challenge.  I didn't finish last year and for that I hang my head in shame.  This year however I prepared well in advance and I am good to go.

Without further ado my 2015 theme is:

That's right, I learned five new words for every letter of the alphabet and I am sharing them with you. It's always a good idea to expand your vocabulary, that's why word of the day calendars are so popular.  In fact, that's where I got the idea.

I hope everyone learns at least a couple new words.  See you on the other side!


  1. Excellent idea! I look forward to it.Visiting from A-Z. http://linensandlaurel.typepad.com/my_weblog/

  2. WHOA what a creative theme! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

  3. You'll not only educate us, you'll get to learn along the way. You probably won't forget the words any time soon!

  4. I love words! I especially love words I never knew before. I'm going to follow your blog so I don't miss them. :)

    -Chrys Fey
    Tremp's Troops - A to Z Co-co-host

  5. Ooh, I love your theme idea. I'm such a linguistics geek that I'm looking forward to learning something new. :-)

    Good luck!

  6. Great idea! Nothing wrong with making goals to learn more stuff, particularly new words. Hugs...


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