Things Are Looking Up For April

As another year passes me by and I look to add another number onto my age I am reflective of how lousy the last year has been in so many ways.  Yet, it has also brought me so much joy.  I have been sick for much of it, but that allows me more time to read.

Mike and I had some really rough patches but we came out stronger on the other side and are now planning our dream wedding.  Seriously, it's going to be awesome.

My arm has left me unable to write (or type) for long periods of time so I am exploring new and more awesome ways of doing things and being creative.  My knee injury left me unable to exercise properly for much of the last year...I have no upside for that one.  Sadly because I love food I am only now starting to lose the weight I put on.  Watch out for ice and love your knees people!

Tomorrow marks the start of the A to Z Challenge, I am prepared this year, I have a theme, scheduled posts and everything.  Nothing left to do but sit back and visit other people's posts.  Now that's what I am looking forward to.  Some of my favourite blogs I found originally from the Challenge.  Since I have nothing to do but read this year I will be doing a round up post on Sundays of my favourites that I found during the week.

Also, since tomorrow is my birthday I will be starting a 365 photo challenge (Yay!)  So follow me on Instagram or Twitter if you want to check out my horrible photo skills.

In the meantime here's a shot of us from Toronto Comicon:


  1. I commented on your A to Z post before reading this one, so Happy Birthday!

    Glad to hear things are on the up for you. Hope you continue to get better. :-)


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