Celebrate The Small Things: January 27, 2017

Celebrate the Small Things is hosted by Lexa Cain along with wonderful co- hosts Writing Off The Edge and The Cyborg Mom.

This week I am having trouble finding anything to celebrate, it has been a long and rough week at work.  I do have a job though so there is that.

Mostly I guess I am celebrating that it is the weekend and I get to have a glass of wine.

What are you celebrating?


  1. Some weeks can be worse than others. Enjoy the weekend and have an extra glass of wine!

    Marilyn @ onbecomingawriter.com

  2. It has been a long week. Reaching the weekend is definitely something worth celebrating!

  3. Having a job, getting to the weekend, and having a glass of wine are time-honored things to celebrate. Sometimes, ya gotta take what you can get. Have a good weekend!

    BTW The Cyborg Mom left her helping duties a long time ago. The new helper is Tonja Drecker of Kidbits Blog, http://tonjadrecker.blogspot.com/

  4. A wine is definitely something worth celebrating. As is the week coming to an end. Now, I'm wanting to sit down and sip a glass too :)


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