The Gratitude Journal Project

For the first time since I have started blogging I did not do a big goals or resolutions post this year.  Not because  I don't have any, I do but because they are a little more broad spectrum this year and I thought that maybe they would need their own posts to come out when the time was right.

One of my goals for 2017 is to show more gratitude for the things that I have, which is in turn part of a larger goal but we will get to that another time.  I have tried to start a Gratitude Journal before but I got lost in trying to make it prefect rather than jumping right in and getting started which is a problem that I have a lot.  Then I remembered that I have this wonderful blog, which is like an online journal.

A place where I can just go and keep track of the things that I am grateful for and publish it or not.

Today I am grateful for:

-my job, I work with wonderful people.
-my children.
-my mom

Do you keep a gratitude journal?


  1. I don't keep a gratitude journal but I've thought about adding a page for tracking it in my bullet journal.

    I do love the idea of making a note of the things that you're grateful for. It's a good way to remind yourself of all the good things in your life.


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