
Currently.... It's been a while since I have posted one of these for you guys. I miss it, updating you on all the random things that I have going on. I am hoping to have the time to get it up and going again. As well as the rest of my blog since I have been neglecting it just a wee bit. Loving... It's almost fall again, the weather is cooling down, I can wear boots everyday and jackets and hoodies. This is my best time of year. I was given both new boots and a new hoodie recently so I will be wearing the heck out of both. Reading... Right now I am reading The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From the Living Dead by Max Brooks and listening to Chainfire by Terry Goodkind on Audible. Watching... Right now I am binge watching a lot of Criminal Minds and Supernatural while I study. Not sure what works for you but I am on fire with my marks so I am going to keep it going for now. Making... Working on my Chri...