Caramel Corn

I was playing on Pinterest one day (you can follow me if you like) and came across some vegan recipes that I wanted to try.  They brought to mind a friend who enjoys vegetarian cooking so I immediately texted him to tell him so.  I am sure there was some eye-rolling because I am as far from a vegan as one can get but he requested that if I was so bored could I find him a recipe for homemade caramel corn. 

I, naturally, thought that this was a brilliant idea that was sure to kill at least a half an hour of time.  Unfortuantely, I had never searched for something on Pinterest before so I massively underestimated how quickly I would find the perfect sounding recipe.  In about five minutes I uncovered this one which just looked so good in the picture I had to pass it along.

Turns out caramel corn is one of those things it is both really good and really bad to know how to make.  I completely endorse this recipe, and will NEVER buy from this stuff from a store again. 


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