A Shopping Excursion

My favorite part of any new craft project is in the gathering of materials.  To start with, I get to look through my stash and be it fabric, ribbon or yarn as much as I like to think I know what I have I really only have a vague idea.  Which is great when I have a general project in mind like making new bows for Cat or the doll blanket that she requested yesterday.

This week however I had two projects come onto my radar that I wanted to do that I didn't have the supplies on hand for.  The first was through a knitting and crochet group I belong to on yahoo Mary's Knitting and Crochet Corner that is doing a CAL (crochet along) this month.  The project calls for 100% cotton yarn in pink/purple or red.  I was a bit surprised I didn't have this on hand.  I have a whole box of cotton yarn.  Every color of the rainbow....except on of those three.

The second project is also crochet, but is one of my own undertaking.  (I almost feel there should be a drum roll there)  On Sunday we were wondering around downtown when we passed someone with a Captain America Shield shoulder bag.  It was not handmade but awesome just the same.  For some reason it has stewed in my head that it would look awesome crocheted.  And that I need to write a pattern to do this.   

I really don't know where I get these ideas, but I have it sketched out and I am very confident that I can work the actually mechanics of it.  Well, except the star, that one I am still working on figuring out.  But I have found some great tutorials online.  (Yay Google!)

So my big excitement for today was that I got to go yarn shopping for two new projects.  For the shield, I am going with Bernat Super Value in Berry, Navy and White.  The pictures really don't do how well they go together justice.

For my CAL I am going with a Bernat Handicrafter in Patio Pinks which is really a bit pinker than anything I would usually buy but it's very pretty.  And as luck would have it the Handicrafter was buy one get one half price so I picked up one in Chrysanthemums to add to my stash.  

FYI, those on my Christmas list who are reading this you are all getting dishcloths this year.  Just saying. 


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