
Showing posts from January, 2016

The Exercise Alphabet

A really big resolution for me this year is to get back into shape, I have a lot of important events coming up and the extra 40lbs I put on over the last few months of super stress have not made me happy.  Not to mention they won't help fitting into all the expensive dresses that are already purchased. I first saw this idea on  International Geek Girls Pen Pals Club  who were doing a word a day for the month of January.  I changed the alphabet up a bit as there are some specific areas that I really want to work and I am offering you a word a day for the next year.  Let's get in some extra exercise together. A – 20 Alternating Hammer Curls                                              B – 10 Lateral Raises                                      ...

Currently: January 27, 2016

Currently.... {I read  Jamie Morrow's  Currently every week and I always want to hop on board because it seems like such a fun way to keep you guys updated on the stuff going on in my life so here I am.} Loving... The Plant Nanny app on my phone, I am the worst for drinking water so trying to keep a plant alive by logging how much water I drink is very enlightening.  It took me killing a few plants but I am getting the hang of drinking enough every day. Reading... I have been sick for the last week so I have done very little reading which bites because I was hoping to be a lot further along on my A to Z Challenge project.  Right now I am reading and enjoying City of Blaze. Watching... Still watching my way through Sabrina, I am on Season Four now and I have gotten to the episodes I don't remember seeing the first time around. Listening To... I have been basking in the past lately, some teenage girls on the bus the oth...

All I Need To Know I Learned From A Snowman

Sometimes you come across some funny stuff on the internet that just needs to be shared. ** It's okay if you're a little bottom heavy. ** Hold your ground, even when the heat is on. ** Wearing white is always appropriate. ** Winter is the best of the four seasons. ** It takes a few extra rolls to make a good midsection. ** There's nothing better than a foul weather friend. ** We're all made up of mostly water. ** You know you've made it when they write a song about you. ** Accessorize! Accessorize! Accessorize! ** Avoid yellow snow. Don't get too much sun. ** It's embarrassing when you can't look down and see your feet. ** It's fun to hang out in your front yard. ** There's no stopping you once you're on a roll. ** It's not the size of the carrot, but the placement that counts.

Celebrate The Small Things: January 22, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things is hosted by  Lexa Cain  along with wonderful co- hosts  Writing Off The Edge  and  The Cyborg Mom . This week I am celebrating my baby boy turning 11. What are you celebrating this week?

Broken Things To Mend Blog Tour

Blog Tour Schedule Broken Things to Mend by Karey White Celia is in desperate need of a change--a change of scenery, a change of pace, and a complete redo of all relationships. Not knowing what else to do, she opens a map, closes her eyes, and lets fate decide her future. Then she packs her meager belongings and buys a one-way ticket to a little town on the fringes of Oregon's Deschutes National Forest called Sisters. She's wanted a family for years. Will she find one in Sisters? What Celia doesn't plan to find is a strange Chinese woman whose meddling ways keep throwing her in the path of a handsome, but reserved, forest ranger. But no matter how kind or dependable Silas seems to be, there are some things in Celia's past that neither of them can escape, and this time, the damage might be too much to mend. Review: Broken Things to Mend dealt with some very, very sensitive issues in a fantastic way.  I loved reading it, I was sad when it was over.  Si...

Throwback Thursday; January 21, 2016

From a Whiteout Party that we went to a couple years ago. I feel like I looked so fantastic in this picture, I would kill to look like that now.

Currently: January 20, 2016

  Currently.... {I read  Jamie Morrow's  Currently every week and I always want to hop on board because it seems like such a fun way to keep you guys updated on the stuff going on in my life so here I am.} Loving... It's only -6 out this morning! I didn't have to bundle up like some sort of barely moving snowsuit creature.  Plus I got in my morning walk, it was fantastic.  I am 2% to Rivendell now, I know it doesn't seem like a lot but given how cold it has been... Reading... Reading is fun, but this week I have not had a lot of time for it for some reason, the super cold has made me too sleepy I guess.  I am reading 'Becoming Us' right now, I like it but it seems to be dragging a bit now that I am close to the end. Watching... At the moment Bailey cat and I are all about curling up on the couch and streaming episodes of Sabrina the Teenage Witch.  I think Bailey has a crush on Salem... Listening To....

Starbucks Giveaway

I don't know about you but I love Starbucks, I am there at least once a week for my Caramel Machiato. GIVEAWAY DETAILS I’ve teamed up with some blogger friends to give you the chance to win a prize you’re going to love -- a $200 Starbucks Gift Card! Are you a blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog? Click here to join the VIP Email List for details on how to be included in the next giveaway opportunity! Prize: $200 Starbucks Gift Card Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck! (Please email with any questions.) Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 2/1 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Currently: January 13, 2016

Currently.... {I read  Jamie Morrow's  Currently every week and I always want to hop on board because it seems like such a fun way to keep you guys updated on the stuff going on in my life so here I am.} Loving... Run Keeper.  My bloggy buddy  Click's Clan  is walking Middle Earth this year and I signed on to join her.  So far it's been great fun to tell my kid's as we walk somewhere my small percentage of my journey to Rivendell. Reading... Right now I am reading Antler Dust by Mark Stevens, it's not something I would normally pick up to read but as I am working towards something I am just going with what fits.  I really am enjoying the book though, it's got a great feel to it.  I am usually not a fan of mystery books where the reader knows what is going on but Stevens makes it work well. Watching... We are finally back on Jessica Jones and working our way through that.  Ritter is fantastic in this, I mean I ...

Roman's Holiday Blog Tour

Blog Tour Schedule Roman's Holiday by Susan Aylworth Four years after Roman Kincaid was catapulted into stardom as a country-western singer and A-list movie star, he is burned out: exhausted by a grueling schedule, drained by the ceaseless demands of producers and managers, weary of meeting the needs of others at the expense of his own. Leaving a sold-out show in Phoenix, he rents a car and drives north and east, landing in the Painted Desert town of Rainbow Rock. Nearly three years after leaving her old life behind, Lottie Beale is feeding people and baking pies, managing the Kachina CafĂ© and tending secrets of her own. When circumstances conspire to give two attractive people some time alone together amid the world-class vistas of the Four Corners, they discover more than either had bargained for. Amazon * Barnes & Noble Expert:   The heat from his body warmed her, his arm pillowed her head, his mouth hovered only inches above hers . . . “Lot...

Get 20% off your next Birthday Express party box set now through 1/31/16! #ad

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. The holidays may be over, but that doesn't mean that the party planning is! With 2016 birthdays on the horizon, now is a fantastic time to stock up on your kiddo's favorite party theme. Plus, when you use the code  AFCNEWYEAR20  at checkout now through January 31st, you'll get  20% off  your purchase at  Birthday Express ! This is an exclusive offer so you won't find it on But you will see the savings when you apply it at checkout!  I know I have more than a few birthday parties to plan coming up.  Other parties as well. Offer:   Get 20% off at Birthday Express Coupon Code:  AFCNEWYEAR20 Expires:  January 31st, 2016 Here are a few popular Birthday Express party boxes to consider for your child's next birthday: Star Wars  - Grab your Lightsabers, get your fellow Resistance fighters together and join R...

Celebrate: January 8, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things is hosted by  Lexa Cain  along with wonderful co- hosts  Writing Off The Edge  and  The Cyborg Mom . This week I am celebrating an open weekend to work on things and enjoy my children. What are you celebrating?

Throwback Thursday: January 7, 2016

It's a little grainy but this is me in my Belle cosplay on Halloween of 2015.  I love this costume, I can't wait to wear it again come Toronto ComiCon.

What's Inside Cricut's Mysterious January Mystery Box?

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking through my links.  What's inside  Cricut's January Mystery Box ? I would love to tell you, but that would ruin the surprise! However ... I am willing to divulge a few bits of information: While it's valued at $139.95, you're able to purchase it for only  $39.99! It includes  5 cartridges And that's all I'm sharing because I don't want to spoil the surprise contained in this wondrous  January Mystery Box ! Purchase it for yourself or as a gift and solve the mystery of what's inside! With Cricut, you know you won't be disappointed. Plus, you'll get  Free shipping on orders over $50 with code JANUARYSHIP at !

Currently: January 6, 2016

Currently.... {I read  Jamie Morrow's  Currently every week and I always want to hop on board because it seems like such a fun way to keep you guys updated on the stuff going on in my life so here I am.} Loving... Movies and sleep.  It has been so cold outside the last few days that I love nothing more than being able to curl up in bed under all the warm blankets and watch a movie.  Till I fall asleep because I never make it through a movie and Mike always has to turn them off. Reading... I am starting to do alphabetical reading for my A-Z Challenge this year, I find it pretty exciting to have a goal for my reading.  Currently I am doing W and Y, one real book and one e-book so that no matter where I am I have something to read. Watching... After seeing 'The Force Awakens' three times we are working our way through the old Star Wars movies.  We are currently in the middle of  'The Empire Strikes Back'. List...

Express Yourself: Scents

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted  Bouquet Of Books  and  Entertaining Interests .  This week's topic is: What scent (candle, Fragrance, etc) is your favourite during Autumn? I love me some vanilla.  Candles, perfume, bath soap.  There's just something about the scent of vanilla that feels calming and soothing.  I love it. What's your favourite scent?

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

If I had a choice I would pick Costa Rica. It just looks like such a beautiful, relaxing place.  I would get a beach front property and stare at the ocean while I wrote all day. Where is your dream location to live?

Quick 50

I was doing my morning coffee and reading of the blogs I follow one morning when I stumbled across this gem on  The Princess and The Geek .  I haven't done one of these get to know you type things on here in a while and I have some new followers so I decided to snag it and play along. Quick 50! 1) Where you named after anyone? Yes, I got my Melissa from a little girl my mom used to babysit who passed away. 2) When was the last time you cried? Tuesday night when I was reading. 3) Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes, if I am not writing in a big rush. 4) What is your favourite lunch meat?  Smoked turkey. 5) Do you have kids? Yes, Ace 10 and Cat 6. 6) If you were another person would you be friends with you? Yes, I am kind of awesome. 7) Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes. 8) Do you still have your tonsils? Yes. 9) Would you bungee jump? Hell no! 10) What is your favourite cereal? Lucky Charms. 11) Do you untie your shoes whe...

Celebrate the Small Things: January 1, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things is hosted by  Lexa Cain  along with wonderful co- hosts  Writing Off The Edge  and  The Cyborg Mom . Today I am grateful to celebrate the start of a new year, 2015 was a rough year, especially near the end and I am glad that it is over. I am also celebrating the wonderful opportunities that I had to spend with family over the holidays. My cousin had a stroke over the holidays and I am celebrating the fact that she was with family when it happened and was taken straight to an excellent hospital and will be ok. What are you celebrating this week?