Currently: January 13, 2016


{I read Jamie Morrow's Currently every week and I always want to hop on board because it seems like such a fun way to keep you guys updated on the stuff going on in my life so here I am.}


Run Keeper.  My bloggy buddy Click's Clan is walking Middle Earth this year and I signed on to join her.  So far it's been great fun to tell my kid's as we walk somewhere my small percentage of my journey to Rivendell.


Right now I am reading Antler Dust by Mark Stevens, it's not something I would normally pick up to read but as I am working towards something I am just going with what fits.  I really am enjoying the book though, it's got a great feel to it.  I am usually not a fan of mystery books where the reader knows what is going on but Stevens makes it work well.

We are finally back on Jessica Jones and working our way through that.  Ritter is fantastic in this, I mean I love her anyways but she really works as Jessica Jones.

Listening To...

Armada on Audible.  I love Audible.

Thinking About...

How much more I could walk if there wasn't so much snow outside right now.


Having the day off work on Friday and finally feeling better than I have in month's so that I can do something fun with it.


For the feeling I have been having of more energy to continue, I have so much I would like to get done.

Making Me Happy...

Reading, blogging and my new crochet project.


  1. I don't know, I mean there's no snow here but you won't catch me out walking. Too cold! ;)

  2. I'm a walker, not a runner, but my Fitbit Flex keeps me going! My day doesn't feel complete until I get that buzz that tells me I've met my step goal!


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