Currently: January 6, 2016


{I read Jamie Morrow's Currently every week and I always want to hop on board because it seems like such a fun way to keep you guys updated on the stuff going on in my life so here I am.}


Movies and sleep.  It has been so cold outside the last few days that I love nothing more than being able to curl up in bed under all the warm blankets and watch a movie.  Till I fall asleep because I never make it through a movie and Mike always has to turn them off.


I am starting to do alphabetical reading for my A-Z Challenge this year, I find it pretty exciting to have a goal for my reading.  Currently I am doing W and Y, one real book and one e-book so that no matter where I am I have something to read.


After seeing 'The Force Awakens' three times we are working our way through the old Star Wars movies.  We are currently in the middle of  'The Empire Strikes Back'.

Listening To...

Armada on Audible.  Have I mentioned how much I love Audible, because I do.

Thinking About...

A fitness type challenge of sorts for the blog, International Geek Girl Pen Pals is doing a word a day alphabetical challenge this month and I would love to tweak the idea a little bit and blog it.  I am working hard on dropping those pounds I put on in the last few months and I think blogging along would really help.

The A to Z Challenge, I have a great idea this year and I am hoping to have a lot of fun with it.


For warmer weather so that the desire to stay in bed wanes a little, I can't sleep with the heat but I can't stand leaving my warm bed when I know it is minus double digits outside.

Making Me Happy...

Postcrossing!  I love to send and receive happy mail, it makes my day when there is something other than bills in the mailbox. 


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