Guest Post - 5 Tips For Getting Your Book Reviewed

I have a guest post for you today from my friend Steph over at Steph in the City . She's doing a cover reveal for her upcoming book Piper Morgan to The Rescue and stopped by to talk to us about getting your book reviewed. 5 Tips for Getting Your Book Reviewed by Stephanie Faris If you’ve ever published a book (or plan to), you may be worried about Amazon reviews. Nobody wants to be that author whose book still has zero reviews after being out for a few months. But forcing people to review your book is impossible. All you can do is put your book out into the world and hope for the best, right? Actually, there are a few things authors can do to boost our chances of getting reviews. Here are five things that can help. 1. Review others—As with anything in the crazy world of marketing, the more you give, the more you’ll receive. Unfortunately, every author whose book you review won’t return the favor and that’s okay. There are enough kind people out there ...