Guest Post - 5 Tips For Getting Your Book Reviewed
I have a guest post for you today from my friend Steph over at Steph in the City. She's doing a cover reveal for her upcoming book Piper Morgan to The Rescue and stopped by to talk to us about getting your book reviewed.
5 Tips for Getting Your Book Reviewed
by Stephanie Faris
Actually, there are a few things authors can do to boost our chances of getting reviews. Here are five things that can help.
1. Review others—As with anything in the crazy world of marketing, the more you give, the more you’ll receive. Unfortunately, every author whose book you review won’t return the favor and that’s okay. There are enough kind people out there who will return the favor.
2. Ask—If you’re an active blogger, you likely stumble across at least a few review blogs every week. Many of those bloggers have instructions on submitting your books for review. If they don’t, simply email and ask. Target reviewers who specialize in your type of book for best results.
3. Host a Goodreads giveaway—Long before your book releases, you can start generating interest on Goodreads. A giveaway will often get quite a few entries and the winner is likely to post a review after reading the book.
4. Host your own giveaway—If you have a blog, you already have a built-in platform. Host a giveaway on your own site and ask the winner to a) leave a review and b) pass the book on to someone else after reading it.
5. Offer a trade—If you have friends who write, ask to swap books and review each other’s books. You likely already know at least one author who is looking for reviews and we all love free books, right?
Most importantly, don’t worry too much about reviews. They’re important, but what’s most important is that you’ve written a book you believe in and readers are connecting with it. Only a small percentage of those readers will take the time to leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads, so there’s comfort in knowing people are enjoying your work, even if you don’t know about it.
Piper Morgan To The Rescue
By Stephanie Faris
Press Kit
Piper helps some four-legged friends find the perfect home in the third book of the brand-new Piper Morgan series.
Piper is super excited to help out at Bark Street, a local animal shelter in town. Who wouldn’t want to be surrounded by adorable puppies and dogs all day? And when Piper sees Taffy, the cutest dog she has ever seen, Piper is determined to find a way to bring Taffy home. But it won’t be easy—especially when she finds out someone else wants to make Taffy a part of their family, too!
Author Photo:
Stephanie Faris knew she wanted to be an author from a very young age. In fact, her mother often told her to stop reading so much and go outside and play with the other kids. After graduating from Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor of Science in broadcast journalism, she somehow found herself working in information technology. But she never stopped writing.
Stephanie is the Simon & Schuster author of 30 Days of No Gossip and 25 Roses, as well as the upcoming Piper Morgan series. When she isn’t crafting fiction, she writes for a variety of online websites on the topics of business, technology, and her favorite subject of all—fashion. She lives in Nashville with her husband, a sales executive.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I've sent my publisher book bloggers' information before. You just have to look for them.
ReplyDeleteYou're right--there are tons of review bloggers out there. It helps if it's a blogger you know personally, I guess? I did contact one blogger who reviews all the M!x books with the ARC for my second book. Like lots of high-visibility review bloggers, she gets all of hers from Edelweiss.
DeleteVery Good Advice Stephanie!
ReplyDeleteAs authors, our books need reviews, although, when I see a new review posted I quiver because I'm excited and scared at the same time to read it.
ReplyDeleteBanned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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