Currently: February 4, 2016
{I read Jamie Morrow's Currently every week and I always want to hop on board because it seems like such a fun way to keep you guys updated on the stuff going on in my life so here I am.}
The weather has been really nice and I have been getting in a fair bit of walking so far this week which has felt fantastic.
We have been binge watching Nevermind the Buzzcocks on You Tube. If you have never seen it and are at all a fan of British humor then you have to watch it.
Listening To...
All the super fun pop from when I was much, much younger. Remember this song?
Thinking About...
Toronto ComiCon is just around the corner and I am starting to think about Cosplays.
I am participating in Lettermo so looking forward to getting lots of mail sent out this month,
For the springlike weather to continue.
Making Me Happy...
The commemorative stamp is fantastic. What a great thing to have to celebrate. :-)
ReplyDeleteBanned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
ReplyDeletePengobatan Herbal Kanker Rahim Stadium 2
Daun Sirih Dapat Mengobati Keputihan
Aktor Agus Leo Meninggal Akibat Penyakit Tumor
Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Yang Harus Di Lakukan Sebelum Menikah
Bahan Herbal Alami Penghilang Rasa Sakit
Obat IHerbal Untuk Menghilangkan Penyakit Pada Ibu Hamil
Penyakit Wasir Yang Menyerang Pada Ibu Hamil
Obat Tumor Bibir Untuk Anak Di Atas 3 Tahun
Manfaat Alpukat Bagi Kebersihan Kulit Wajah
Bahaya Lensa Bagi Kesehatan Mata