Workout Word Twelve
Today's word is Logorrhea!
Logorrhea (NOUN) /log-gah-ree-ah
Definition: excessive use or flow of words.
Sentence: The professor was given to muttering and much logorrhea during her lectures.
L – 10 Alternating Side Lunges
O - 10 Push Ups
G – 20 Bicycle Crunches
O - 10 Push Ups
R - 30 Arm Circles
R - 30 Arm Circles
H – 1 Minute High Knees
E – 10 Sumo Squats
A – 20 Alternating Hammer Curls
Definition: excessive use or flow of words.
Sentence: The professor was given to muttering and much logorrhea during her lectures.
L – 10 Alternating Side Lunges
O - 10 Push Ups
G – 20 Bicycle Crunches
O - 10 Push Ups
R - 30 Arm Circles
R - 30 Arm Circles
H – 1 Minute High Knees
E – 10 Sumo Squats
A – 20 Alternating Hammer Curls
Hey, that's pretty cool!
ReplyDeleteI love that word.
That is a hard word - I'd never have known what it meant if you didn't explain it. Good luck with exercising & thanks for the word definition! :)
ReplyDeleteBanned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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