A to Z Challenge 2016: H

I can hardly believe that I have made it this far already and read all these stories, that feels like it's a lot in a short period of time even though I am only on H.  I know my reviews have mostly been short but hey, I don't want to make you guys read a novel.

Today's book is Habored Secrets by Marie F. Martin.

Now over 100,000 kindle downloads. (a contemporary novel with a psychological mystery in the unearthing of family secrets. In May of 1935, Blinny Platt's homestead shack burns to the ground forever leaving her family asunder, scattering them like the embers flew on the Montana wind. She was only eight-years-old, sent away and in charge of her little sister. She could handle that because Platts take care of Platts.

However, it is the hidden secrets of her parents smoldering beneath the charred remains that haunts Blinny until 1982. She once again leaves the home place to build a house for herself. As the foundation is poured and the walls go up, each of the hurtful memories are uncovered. Finally the mystery, left in the ashes of the burned home, is revealed. How could her mother do what she did?

This book was so hard to put down, I got into reading it and I got so absorbed in wanting to know what happened.  Fantastic writing!  It was a very dark book and really not one for reading before you went to bed but I really did enjoy the read overall.  Blinny is such a wonderfully flawed, relatable character.


  1. Sounds like a fascinating read. Thanks for sharing and well done for creating such wonderful posts all week. Kudos!

  2. Sounds awesome. I have a lot of respect for those who write Historicals. They take so much research. Great review! :)

  3. My reviews are always pretty short. I read something from an author that said that reviews don't have to be long to make a difference...so I plop them on my blog, on Amazon, and Goodreads, and hope it helps the author out!

    1. It's only recently that I started reviewing almost everything I read even if all I had to say was hey, I really like this book as I realized that is how I find a lot of what I read now. It pops up on someone's Facebook or Twitter or Goodreads feed and I am just like oh hey, that looks shiny and on to my list it goes.


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