A to Z Challenge 2016: T

Getting close to the end now. My T book is Those Red High Heels by Katherine May.

When Emma Walker wakes up to what can only be described as the crappiest day of her life, she has no idea that the series of unfortunate events that unfolded that day were going to pave the way to her new destiny. Emma's recently engaged best friend, Brynn, calls for Emma to ditch her life in Chicago, and to come immediately out to the Big Apple to perform her maid of honor duties. What Emma doesn't expect is to find the man of her dreams in Brynn's social circle. Not only is he taken, but he lives in a very different world than Emma is used to. Will Emma be able to fit into this new life, or will she return back to where she started? 

In this witty romantic novel by Katherine May, you will follow Emma on a life-changing adventure to New York City. Will Emma snag the man of her dreams, or just a really cute pair of red high heels?

This was a really fun read, I am a true believer that a great pair of shoes can change your life and I love a book based on that idea.  Emma was a fun character to read and her journey was amusing.


  1. Thanks for the recommendation! Adding it to my ToRead list on GoodReads Visiting over from the A-Z Challenge! Good luck, we're almost there!

    Deepa’s Kaleidoscope

  2. I love it when something good comes out of a crappy day :) Great review.

  3. Ahhhh, shoes. There was a time when life revolved around them. Now I'm at the age where barefoot and bedroom slippers are the usual choice.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

  4. Good review. So- you're running two challenges simultaneously: the A-

    Z and the 2016 Reading Challenge? Brave soul!

  5. Love those shoes!!! Yes, we're almost to the end. Although I pre-wrote all mine, so that just means I have to get hustling on writing my May posts.

  6. Blog hopping from North Carolina during the #Challenge. A writer, addicted to books and reading, always glad to find blogs about these things. I have been writing about hotels and inns, the architects and setting. Come and learn something more about fixing tea or ordering tea at a lovely hotel.

  7. It sounds like an interesting read. I am partial to red shoes. It's like a surprise at the end.

  8. Sounds like a fun and entertaining chick book to read! Thanks for sharing! I am more a fan of comfy shoes, though... :-)

    Liesbet @ Roaming About – A Life Less Ordinary


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