A to Z Challenge 2016: Q

Wow Q already it feels like the days are just flying by.  I have been reading a lot of interesting blogs this year as I had most of these post already up and done which was much better than the 1-2 blogs a day I usually managed in other years.  I have been hitting up to ten a day this year.  Lots of new blogs to follow now.  And I have found so many more books to read that I may never leave my house again.  I will have to start getting groceries delivered to add extra reading time.

Anyway, my book for Q is Queen Mab by Kate Danley.

"Oh then I see Queen Mab hath been with you..."

Everyone knows Romeo & Juliet, but what if it isn't the whole story? What if Queen Mab, mentioned in only one speech in the entire play, is actually responsible for all the tragedy about to strike the Houses of Montague and Capulet? And her love for Mercutio the key to everything...

Weaving Shakespeare's original text into a new story, fans of The Woodcutter will love this latest retelling by award-winning author Kate Danley. Experience the romance of Romeo & Juliet from a different point of view - through the eyes of the bringer of dreams... Queen Mab

The jury is still out for me as to whether or not I liked this book.  When I read it I was pumped full of cold medication hoping to prevent the cold that I was coming down with from getting any worse and my head was very fuzzy.

Romeo and Juliet is not my favourite of Shakespeare's plays, I find it so utterly depressing and while Danley's version is slightly less depressing I am not sure if that really helps.  There are parts that are very confusing and it is by no means a lighthearted read.

The redeeming quality is Queen Mab herself who is a fantastic character and goes through great development over the course of the story.


  1. Queen Mab sounds an interesting woman. I haven't read it but as we are on Q, I did see the film The Queen with Helen Mirren which was fab!

  2. Interesting one! I had all my blogs pre-written, too. It lets us read more blogs, although I haven't gotten around to as many as I wanted.


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