Friendly Fill Ins Week 58

Every Thursday,  15andmeowing and McGuffys Reader provide the fill-in statements. Learning about each other and making friends is what it is all about!

Here are this week's statements with the blanks:
1. I challenge everyone to ________________________ this week.

2. I regret disposing of _____________________________.

3. I have a difficult time admitting                                .

4. If I were given a psychic power, I would like it to be                              .

Another week of friendly fill ins.

1) I challenge everyone to drink more water this week.

2) I regret disposing of a pair of shoes that I bought that were comfortable and pretty much brand new but I donated them because I never wore them because I had nothing to match.  Now that I Cosplay, I wear tons off long costumes that those shoes would be perfect for because added height and comfort but they are irreplaceable.  :(

3) I have a difficult time admitting when I need to let stuff go. (so much clutter) But I am working on that this year.  

4) If I were given a psychic power, I would like it to be the ability to selectively read minds.  


  1. Hallo, Hallo Melissa Ann!

    Telepathy, eh? The only downside is - can it be 'selective' or is it too overpowering of a gift if you cannot 'tune out' everyone all at once? Talk about the things we muse about - especially if we LOVE PNR and/or Science Fiction story-lines! Sometimes I think the better one might be telekinesis -- there are days I can see how wicked awesome it would be to mentally convey an action but of course, for all the merits of psychic superpowers I am sure there are a heap of downsides, too. Like you, I like to muse on the positive,... even if I'm a bit of a realist and acknowledge there isn't one superpower which would be 'easy' to adjust to living with once you embraced it.

    1. Mostly I want to know what the 12 year old is thinking when he sulks through the thing that he begged me to take him to. A power I am sure many parents would love to have.

      I am willing to think that I could embrace the ability to teleport whole heartedly though. Especially if I could take someone with me. Because with the kids, we are constantly running late for something or needing to leave early so that we are not late for something.

      Plus just being able to nip out for a pina coloda at sunset on the beach and be back before your lunch break is done? That's would have be be a nifty trick.

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