Friendly Fillins Week 59

Every Thursday,  15andmeowing and McGuffys Reader provide the fill-in statements. Learning about each other and making friends is what it is all about!
Here are this week's statements with the blanks:

1. A recurring dream I have is ________________.

2. Turn ______________ into ____________.

3.                              is driving me crazy!

4. Lately, I have been                        .

Another round of fill in the blanks.  :)

1) A recurring dream I have is that I have moved back to the house that my grandmother lived in when I was a kid and there is a secret passage to an attic and my grandmother keeps telling me that I have to go explore it.

2) Turn down time into a chance to learn something new.

3) Not getting a consistent amount of sleep is driving me crazy. 

 4) Lately, I have been spending my free time studying Fitness and Nutrition and Human Behavior.  Both subjects have been quite interesting. 


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