A to Z Challenge 2018: B

Be yourself. 

Every book that I have read so far on how to bring more happiness into your life or reduce your stress at some point has this same message in some way.  Stop trying to be something you don't want to do and just be yourself.

This is something that I struggled with a long time before finally starting to come to my own now in my late 30's.  Even now I feel the pressure to conform to something I am just not.  I get it from my parents especially who are constantly telling me I need to grow up. 

I used to try to please them all because I love them but know I have figured out that if I am constantly trying to please them instead of just being me then when it really matters I tend to balk at doing the stuff they need from me.  It's much better to have an 80/20 balance where 80% of the time they call except me for me and 20% of the time I act like as reasonable human being and don't wear a tutu to the theater.

I find it much more freeing to be myself, and the kids mostly do not care if I want to wear my unicorn onsie all day because it is my birthday.  I mean I do have a teenager now so he may opt out of accompanying me but....


  1. Ha! Yes, keep the young person inside, you'll stay young longer outside! I have... I'm 103 really. Well, 60. But I think i look younger. Of course you'll never know because for some reason my comment on blogger blogs comes up with a cartoon... Liz http://www.poetryroundabout.com

  2. Growing up is giving in. I won't give in.

  3. Ha Ha! I hear you :) I'm talking about the same topic today too, also in the same line this reminds me of BTS's awesome album "Love Yourself."


  4. Being yourself is key although it does seem to often be a struggle. Weekends In Maine


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