Things to do Before 2020

A few years ago I had great success with making a to do list in the months leading up to the end of the year and checking things off.  It kept me accountable to at least do some of the things that I needed to get done.

In the spirit of that I am making a list of all the things I need to get done and want to get done in the next little while and every month we will up date and see how far we are getting along.

1) Set up my Ko-fi page.

2) Make new pony ears.

3) Swap out the ribbon on my top hat for pink.

4) Paint my boxing gloves and figure out how to seal.

5) Take my measurements and log for June.

6) Find a tiny alligator plushie.

7) Log the comics I lave read recently onto Goodreads.

8) Find my Ipad.

9) Find a purse that I want to carry.

10) Finish the last module of this event planning section and write exam.

11) Start my new sewing course.

12) Update my CPR and first aide.

13) Find and paint shoes for Cat's 5K costume.

14) Buy Cat black shorts for her 5K costume.

15) Clean bookshelves.

16) Fill out passport forms.

17) Get passport photos taken.

18) Take day off and go to passport office.

19) Set up a blogging schedule.

20) Write my next history exam.


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