Express Yourself: January 19 to 23, 2015

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted Bouquet Of Books and Entertaining Interests.  This week's topic is: What's your favourite movie you saw in 2014?

This was a pretty easy one for me, there was only one that sprang to mind when I thought about 2014 movies.  I saw a lot of them, but Guardians of the Galaxy stood heads and shoulders above the rest.  It was fantastic.

From the soundtrack to the way it tore your heart out this movie had something for everybody.  Even my sister, who is not into anything loves this movie.  (well mostly Groot, but still)  Which brings me of course to my favourite thing about this movie, all the awesome actors who are in it.

Glenn Close, Peter Serafinowicz, Vin Diesel, other people who are equally as awesome.  But it wasn't about that, it wasn't like you look at the screen and said oh hey that's the guy from...until maybe the third or fourth time you saw it because they all being so awesome.  

Anyhow, this is a blog hop.  Go check out what everyone else's favourite movie of 2014 was.  There were some pretty awesome ones that came out last year.


  1. I haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet. I should!

  2. I think I've only read two Express Yourselves this week and both have been about Guardians of the Galaxy! I didn't see it, but my days of watching action movies are behind me, I'm afraid. I grew up in the action movie era and after seeing 3,000 of them in my lifetime, I've exceeded my quota!


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